The Diamond Casino & Resort - Job Application
The Diamond Casino & Resort is a renowned gaming establishment in Vinewood Hills. It is not all about gambling but also the high-quality wines and drinks from all corners of the world, and the in-home shop that hosts the most renowned businesses that San Andreas has to offer.

We currently offer a few positions in our multiple departments, bar staff, gaming croupiers, security guards, housekeepers, valets and more. Unlike bar staff and gaming croupiers, security guards are subject to conflict of interest agreement.

We are looking for people with engaging personalities, who are welcoming and euthanistic, and who would be a great fit. We offer both, part-time and full-time jobs for your liking with a welcoming environment and competitive salaries. Training is offered for all positions.

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(( Official Faction ))
As an official faction, we are committed to providing exceptional roleplaying experiences for the community. We value your input, creativity, and passion, and together, we can continue to elevate the standard of our roleplaying endeavors. If you fully want to dedicate your time and energy to our faction and embrace the Diamond Casino and Resort experience, please let us know your interest.
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